80.9 °F

About Trebacz Weather Station

Powered by PWS Davis Weather Station
Davis Vantage Pro Fountain Hills, AZ Weather Station

I've been into weather, cameras and technology for awhile. Our weather station is placed near Palisades and El Lago in Fountain Hills, AZ.

The time lapse weather cameras are pointed at 4 Peaks mountains (to the north) and McDowell mountains (to the west). They show the past 2 hours and update every 5 minutes.

Current Trebacz weather station status:

  • Station hardware: Vantage Pro2
  • Station battery status: OK (4.6 V)
  • Station transmit signal quality: 98%
  • Server uptime: 71967 seconds
  • WeeWX uptime: 71759 seconds
  • WeeWX version: 4.10.2
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3

I also submit my data to the other following services:

KAZFOUNT19 on Weather Underground

E1689 on CWOP

EW1689 on PWSWeather.com