I've been into weather, cameras and technology for awhile. Our weather station is placed near Palisades and El Lago in Fountain Hills, AZ.
The time lapse weather cameras are pointed at 4 Peaks mountains (to the north) and McDowell mountains (to the west). They show the past 2 hours and update every 5 minutes.
Current Trebacz weather station status:
- Station hardware: Vantage Pro2
- Station battery status: OK (4.6 V)
- Station transmit signal quality: 99%
- Server uptime: 90597 seconds
- WeeWX uptime: 90524 seconds
- WeeWX version: 5.1.0
- Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1
I also submit my data to the other following services:
KAZFOUNT19 on Weather Underground
E1689 on CWOP
EW1689 on PWSWeather.com
pws-f0592029 on Windy.com