Welcome to the Trebacz Family Home Page !

Meet the Family: David, Wendi,
Allison, Corte, ? (our Australian Shepherd), and Figi (Allison's Bichon Poodle).

Recent news...
Allison Trebacz graduates high school at Marian Central Catholic
-next it's onto Drake in Des Moines in the fall. 
The McHenry Trebacz's got a
new Australian Shepherd Puppy
and he's pretty cute. 
Allison's full size
photostream slideshow on Flickr
For all the Marian
Central baseball pictures I've taken - check out the Trebacz
Picture Gallery on Picasa or my Trebacz
picture gallery on Google plus. If you want the full resolution picture -
just send me an email with the picture number.

Family Stuff
Other Trebacz's Web stuff

Coming Attractions!
 | Wendi's page (still waiting to get just the right picture
for the web). |

Changes last made on: Saturday, October 27, 2012